Sustainable living requires a level of intention that most of us would find difficult due to other daily responsibilities. However, there are a few simple ways to buy food and other items sustainably in 2023.
Here are some simple ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint when shopping.
Use reusable bags
Keeping reusable bags in your car and using them whenever you go grocery shopping is a surefire way to reduce plastic usage when shopping. Totes like these ones are also fashionable and can hold extra items when you’re running errands
Buy local food products
Local foods have a lower carbon footprint. This happens because they require less energy to be transported. Supporting local businesses also helps them to stay in business, which helps the local economy on a whole.
Plan your meals
Planning meals is a great time and money saver. Not only do you have to make less unplanned trips to the grocery store, but you also waste less food. Some people buy restaurant food weekly (even with groceries) so if you know that you’re going to buy your favorite meal from UberEats 3 nights this week, consider ordering 3 meals at once and saving 2 servings for later.
This helps you to save money, and it eliminates 4 rides that the delivery person would have to make. If you know that you always buy food
Support ethical brands
More companies are making changes to be more environmentally friendly. The best way to actually support these companies is by making purchases, even when they are a little bit more expensive.
This helps them to stay in business and find more innovative ways to be more sustainable. You also benefit by knowing that the business you are supporting is ethical and in it for the long run.
Avoid fast fashion
This isn’t related to food, but it’s always a good idea to invest in clothing that will last for years. Fast fashion is one of the biggest contributors to pollution and you can lower this in your life by going vintage shopping or investing in higher quality pieces that will last for a long time.
These are just a few of the steps you can start taking today to lower your carbon footprint.
As time goes on and you gain more awareness of the environmental of your actions and practices, you will make better decisions that support your individual lifestyle.
The goal, as always, is to start where you are and grow from there.