If you have an event coming up and just want to get rid of bloating, this is possible. But if you have deep belly fat it may take a little bit longer.
Your stomach is one of the most stubborn areas to lose weight and this can cause a lot of frustration. Fortunately, there are many ways to lose belly fat or at least reduce the visible appearance of a muffin top.
You can decrease bloating and reduce water retention in a week, but losing actual belly fat will take more time. Depending on how much fat you actually have on your stomach, a combination of diet and exercise might be needed.
But if you want to get a head start, here are some tips to begin with.
Related: 11 Real Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight
1- Stop Eating Dairy
Dairy is one of the main causes of bloating in adults. Research shows that around 75% of the world’s population cannot break down lactose.
This means that eating dairy would cause many digestive issues including bloating and gas, which would give the appearance of a bigger stomach.
If you want to lose weight fast, it’s a good idea to look at all the foods that cause bloating and eliminate them. Here’s a good list to start with.
2- Drink More Water
Water makes up about 60% of the human body and it’s one of the few things that we actually need to survive.
Aside from keeping us hydrated and promoting younger looking skin, drinking more water can actually help us to lose belly fat.
Drinking water before a meal can help you to eat less and that leads to weight loss in the long run. It raises your metabolism and helps you to burn fat more effectively.
It also helps to flush your system of salts and other toxins that can cause bloating, thereby helping you to lose some inches around your waistline.
If you want to drink more water, it’s a good idea to start with at least 4 glasses of room temperature water every day. Remember that you also get water from the fruits and vegetables that you eat.
3- Reduce or Eliminate Sugar
Foods like gums, candy, soda, and processed snacks, all have one thing in common; they break down into fructose and sorbitol. These are hard for the body to digest.
Not only that but foods that are high in sugar cause bloating and other gastrointestinal issues.
If you want to lose belly fat in a week, then cutting out sugar is the best way to go.
Related: Best Way To Sweeten Coffee Without Sugar
4- Reduce Processed Carbs
A big problem that most adults have is that we eat more carbs than what our bodies actually need.
Not only that, but we eat mostly refined and highly processed carbs that only lead to excess weight and bloating. But in order to lose belly fat, the best way is to reduce or eliminate processed carbs.
So if you want to lose belly fat in a week, consider cutting back on pasta, bread, sugar, and snacks. The best time to eat these foods is after a workout out when your body needs the extra energy.
Otherwise, your body will store all of the extra carbs as fat. And unfortunately, most of this unwanted fat is stored around the stomach.
5- Stick to The Greens
Now that we have a working list of things to avoid if we want to lose belly fat in a week, it’s time to see what foods we can eat to lose belly fat.
Vegetables are great for your health in general. They provide a lot of the fibre and nutrition that your body needs. Aside from helping the body to heal itself, vegetables are also great for helping you to feel full.
The right green leafy vegetables can help to get rid of toxins and impurities, and this naturally promotes a healthier stomach.
Related: 101 Low Carb Foods to Help You To Lose Weight
6- Eat More Healthy Protein
Protein requires more energy to digest more than any other type of food. This means that just digesting protein burns more calories that results in weight loss. It also keeps you fuller for longer, and this can help you to eat less.
If you’ve always wondered how to lose belly fat fast but you’ve never added more healthy proteins to your diet, then it’s time to stock up on some of these healthy protein options.
- Chicken
- Fish
- Eggs
- Meat
Tip: Beans are a great and healthy source of protein but if you want to lose belly fat in a week, then you should probably avoid beans and cheese. These foods are notorious causes of bloating.
7- Eat Healthy Fats
One might assume that trying to lose belly fat fast means that one should avoid all things related to fat. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Fat doesn’t make you fat.
On the other hand, eating too much food while not working out and having generally bad nutrition will definitely make you fat.
As a matter of fact, eating more fat can actually help you to lose weight. This is because a steady consumption of fat will help your body to use fat better and store less of it. This is why the keto diet is so popular.
Related: How To Use The Keto Diet To Lose Weight
So what kind of fats can you start eating to lose belly fat in a week?
A good rule of thumb is to avoid trans fat like the one found in margarine.
Fish oil is actually a great fat to add as a supplement. In your regular cooking, healthy cold pressed oils like olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil are some really good options to choose from.
If you stick to whole, unprocessed foods, you will also get healthy fat from foods like avocados, nuts, and coconuts.
Build Long-Term Healthy Habits
Nothing is wrong with trying to lose belly fat in a week, as long as you are aware that trying to lose a lot of weight in 7 days is unhealthy and virtually impossible if you’re doing it naturally.
Most initial weight loss is made up of water weight and these tips will help you to lose water weight and reduce bloating, which will make it look like you’ve lost a lot of weight.
One thing to know with water weight is that it comes back easily.
If you want to lose belly fat, or weight in general, permanently, then eating wholesome foods and exercising regularly is the best way to go.