It’s easy to start a juice cleanse once you have the right information. All you really need are a good juicer and high-quality produce. To get the best results though, there are a few facts about juicing that you’ll want to keep in mind.
Let’s get started with why we all need to start a juice cleanse in the first place.
>>Click here if you want to go straight to the juice cleanse recipes.
Unless you are already eating at least half of your diet raw, it’s highly suggested that you eat more raw foods. If you’re an average American, this is not possible on most days. As a matter of fact, the average American doesn’t even come close to eating 2 bowls of raw food for the entire week.
If you were to sit and make a meal plan for the week, you can see that it would be difficult to add all of that raw food in your diet even if you wanted to. For many busy persons who want to be healthy, it will seem impossible.
This is why it’s important to get a good juicer and use it everyday. This is the only way that most of us will be able to consume fresh fruits and vegetables at the high level we need to be healthy.
Included in the juicing guide:
- Why You Need To Start Juicing
- Benefits of a Juice Cleanse
- How To Find a Good Juicer
- Juicing Tips For Beginners
- How To Do a 3 Day Juice Cleanse
- What To Eat After a Juice Cleanse
Why You Need To Start Juicing
Even if you eat a balanced diet with fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, you can still benefit from vitamin and minerals supplements. That’s because even the best diet in North America will not contain the optimum level of nutrients, especially trace minerals. This is due to the land and seed integrity of some of these produce.
But most American don’t eat a balanced diet.
The Standard American Diet includes large amounts of animal products like cheeseburgers, fried chicken, pizza, and meat-filled, cheese filled sandwiches. This doesn’t even include snacks like cookies, potato chips, beverages and pastries with high amounts of sugar, or soft drinks.
Some of these foods make it into our breakfast that mostly consist of processed carbs, sweetened protein powder and cereals. If we try to compensate at lunch, it’s still not enough to cancel out all the junk food.
We sometimes forget that a lot of this food contains preservatives, dyes, and chemicals used to preserve and flavor it. Our bodies need a lot of extra vitamins and minerals to metabolize and detoxify them, but if we’re not eating healthy, where is our body getting the nutrients needed to detox?
The body uses it’s own nutrients from your tissues. When it’s not enough to detoxify the chemicals, those same chemicals are stored in your liver, bones, fat, and other tissues.
The Long Term Effect
The more junk food you eat, the more deficient you can become in some nutrients. For example, are you a person who craves sweets?
The mineral chromium is involved in the metabolism of sugars. The more sugar you eat, the more chromium you need to digest it. But if you don’t eat healthy, you probably don’t have enough chromium because it is mainly found in plant foods.
Then you will start to see the symptoms for chromium deficiency. One such symptom is a craving for sweets. The cycle continues until one day you wake up with an established sugar addition that will end up causing other health problems.
Juicing can provide the nutrients that we need to get rid of toxins and heal inflammation. That’s why detox cleanses are so popular.
Here are some more benefits of juicing.
Benefits of A Juice Cleanse
Raw juices have been used for their health benefits for centuries.
The practice of making juices go back to the 19th century when juicers didn’t exist. People had to cut up their vegetables and fruits in order to push them through a muslin cloth to extract the liquid.
People went through all of this trouble because of one simple fact- raw juicing works. Here are the benefits of adding juicing to your lifestyle.
1- Juices Are The Best Dietary Supplements
Many of us don’t get the recommended fruit and vegetable serving in a day. In fact, some Americans eat between 1-3 salads per week and that’s not enough.
To combat this, persons mostly take supplements that have been processed and have no live nutrients. By making a raw juice everyday or incorporating a weekly juice cleanse into your diet, you are getting the essential nutrients you need.
2- A Juice Detox Is Effective
Making raw juices is also good a way to detox your body. Not only is it a safe and healthy way, juicing also gives your gut a break from digestion and helps you to lose weight.
3- They Are Easier To Consume Than Salads
Salads are healthy but they take time to prepare and eat- if we actually eat the amount we’re supposed to. The best way to get your daily recommended intake it to add all of those fruits and vegetables to a juicer and drink the liquid.
If you’re ready to give juicing a shot, the next step is to find a good juicer.
How To Find a Good Juicer
If you have some cash to spare, like $2000 or more, you can buy the Ferarris of juicers for your kitchen. But fret not, even with a modest budget, you can still buy a high-quality juicer.
After my first juice cleanse with a borrowed juicer, I was tempted to buy a cheap juicer so I could get right into making more raw juices every day. I was advised against that because cheap juicers will produce a crappy yield that ends up wasting your produce.
In general, there are 2 types of non-commercial juicers that you want to know about. One works quickly and is easy to clean while giving you a lower standard juice.
The other takes more time to use and clean but produces a high-quality juice that can even last for a couple days.
Before you purchase a juicer, here are some questions to ask yourself:
- What’s my budget?
- How much space do I have?
- How often am I going to make raw juices?
- How much clean up can I do daily?
- Do I need a dish-washer safe juicer?
- Do I need a quick juicer or a juice with longer shelf life?
Keep these questions in mind as we look at the two main types of juicers.
Centrifugal Juicers
If you’re a busy person who wants to start making juices but you don’t want to commit to a lengthy process, then a centrifugal juicer might be for you. It’s better to make your juice and consume it immediately rather than getting involved with a long process that makes you want to quit juicing entirely.
You might slightly compromise the nutritional value of the juice, but it’s not a big deal if you’re planning to drink the juice immediately.
Popular Centrifugal Juicers
- Breville Juice Fountain Compact– Great for small spaces, affordable,a nd one of the best centrifugal juices on the market.
- Cuisinart Juice Extractor– This is the juicer that I first started with. A bit bulky but higher quality than its counterparts based on my experience.
Masticating Juicers (Slow Juicers)
These are the best types of juicers for a juice cleanse because they use a single gear to gently extract the liquid from your produce. Slow juicers have a higher yield so the pulp tends to be dryer- which means you get more nutrients out of your food.
Earlier I said that it’s best to consume juices immediately because of oxidation. Well, with a masticating juicer, you’ll get less oxidation so your juice can be stored and consumed up to 48 hours after juicing. They are also quieter than a centrifugal juicer.
Popular Masticating or Slow Juicers
- Horum Slow Juicer– Comes highly recommended by raw dietitians. Also has a ten year warranty.
- Omega 8006 Nutrition System Juicer- Higher quality and higher yield. It’s also on the upper end of the budget and does require more space to operate and store. This juicer is very quiet and great if you want to store your juices.
- Breville Fountain Crush Slow Juicer- With this juicer you can save time because you don’t have to precut produce. It’s faster than cold-pressed juicers and is way more quiet. It’s also highly reviewed on Amazon.
You can do additional research on these juicers and look at the reviews on Amazon to make sure you purchase the best juicer for your needs and budget.
After you have your juicer, the next step is get your produce and start juicing. Here are some tips on juicing for the best results.
Juicing Cleanse Tips For Beginners
1- Use Organic Produce
Whenever possible, use organic and unsprayed produce to make the purest juices possible.
Many fruits and vegetables are sprayed with chemicals that are unhealthy for our body. To avoid this, try finding locally sourced organic fruits and vegetables to do your juice cleanse.
2- Wash Your Produce Thoroughly
Before juicing, wash your produce completely to avoid contaminants. If there is a section of the fruit that is damaged or bruised, now is a good time to remove it.
3- Peel Lemons,Oranges, and Limes
These fruits add a delicious citrus burst to raw juices but the skins actually contain unhealthy toxins. These should not be ingested in high quantities so always peel these fruits before you juice them.
4- Remove Pits and Seeds
The pits from peaches and plums should always be removed, as well as the seeds from apples. Apple seeds contain a poisonous substance called cyanide (in small amounts). Try to avoid it by seeding apples before making juices for your juice cleanse.
5- Not All Leaves Are Edible
The stems and leaves from most produce (like beets and broccoli) can be added to your juicing recipes. However carrot and rhubarb greens should be removed before juicing because they contain toxic substances.
6- Slice Produce Before Juicing
Most fruits and vegetables will have to be sliced so that they can be pushed through the hopper easily. Get a juicer that is big enough. Don’t forget you’ll learn what size works best after some experience.
7- Blend Fruits With Low Water Content
Many of the fruits and vegetables used to make natural homemade juices have a high water content. This is what makes the juicing process possible. For fruits with low water like bananas and avocados, it’s best to juice everything else and then blend these items in.
8- Don’t Store Raw Juices For Long
It’s best to make the juice right before you use it instead of making a large batch. This is because it loses the nutrients as it interacts with the air and other ingredients. Oxidation will happen and while the juice may taste the same, the health benefits won’t be the same.
How To Do A 3 Day Juice Cleanse
A juice cleanse, also called a juice fast, is a safe and easy way to detoxify your body. Juice cleansing works because it provides a lot of nutrients, especially antioxidants, that bind with harmful toxins and carry them out of the body.
It’s recommended to check with a doctor before you start a juice cleanse, especially if you have diabetes or any other health issues. If you are a healthy person, still check in with the pros but a juice fast should be okay for the average person. Some persons fast for one day while other do a juice cleanse for seven days. If you are going to fast for longer than 5 days, you definitely suggest that you seek qualified supervision.
Please note that fasting is not recommended for persons under 17.
Juice Cleanse Recipes: Day 1-3
These juice recipes are perfect for persons looking for a raw vegan juice cleanse because it is only whole fruits and vegetables that are recommended.
This is one of the best juice cleanse because you get to choose the juicing recipe for each meal. Just choose one of the recipes listed for each meal, get your produce, and start juicing.
Breakfast: Energy Shake, Ginger Hopper, or Pink Morning Tonic
Morning Snack: Citrus Cleansing Cocktail,or Green Harvest
Lunch: Spring Tonic, Yearly Cleanse Cocktail, or Mineral Broth, and Garden Soup
Afternoon Snack: Spicy Tonic or Digestion Special
Dinner: Cleansing Tonic, Garden Salad Special, Alkaline effect, and Garden Soup
Bedtime Snack: Chamomile Tea
NB- If you want to snack between the juices, you can munch on some raw vegetables at any time.
>>>List Of Juice Cleanse Recipes
What To Eat After A Juice Fast
Before a Juice Cleanse
Your diet before start a juice cleanse should include raw fruits and vegetables, vegetable broths, homemade vegetable soups, or steamed vegetables. No animal products should be consumed.
After a Juice Cleanse
Breaking the juice fast is very important and if you end a juice fast incorrectly, more bad than good can result.
The first day after the juice cleanse should also include raw or steamed vegetables, homemade vegetable soup or broth, and no meat.
You can add fish and whole grains on the second day after the cleanse, and then gradually add meats and regular (and hopefully healthier) foods back into your diet.
We normally search for holistic solutions after we get sick but we don’t have to wait. When we are sick, our bodies are sending a signal that it needs rest and immune support.
Instead of giving it more work with chemicals and medications, try juicing while you are healthy so you can start healing your body and boosting your immune system.
You can try a juice cleanse for one day if you like. If you don’t have a juicer, whip a green smoothie with some kale and spinach and other healthy ingredients in your blender. Even a salad a day will help you to reap the benefits of more live nutrients in your body.