I foresee that you’ll be a little surprised by some of the items on this list. From fats that actually burn other fats to some spices for an added kick, the foods on this list are versatile and can be added to any diet, from vegan to paleo.
Here are 12 natural fat burning foods for weight loss that you can add to your shopping list.
Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss
1- Coconut Oil
How is it that a list of fat burning foods for weight loss starts with an actual fat?
Coconut oil has more benefits than most traditional fats. This popular oil is used on everything from skin to hair, and it has been used to successfully reduce belly fat in obese patients. The other great thing about coconut oil is that it’s immediately used for energy instead of being stored.
2- Spinach
The leafy green is bursting with nutrients and numerous health benefits. Most notably, it helps to reduce your appetite which can help to lower your carb intake. If you can’t stand the taste of spinach, try taking the thylakoid supplement from spinach. This is the natural compound that makes the vegetable so effective.
3- Kale
Like it’s cousin, spinach, kale makes it on this list as a fat burning vegetable to boost your results. It is packed with isothiocyanates, which helps your body’s detox process. Cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower would give you the same results, but I just think that kale is more versatile. Think kale smoothies, kale chips, a tomato and kale omelet, etc.
4- Almonds
Almonds and other nuts (and nut butter) help to control blood insulin levels. They help to promote a feeling of satiety and this helps to prevent overeating.
5- Lean Meat
You need protein to build muscle, produce hormones and quite simply, to feel like you’re eating actual food. Lean meat is a great option for getting this protein. If you eat a plant-based diet, you can eat beans and tofu to get the same effects.
Protein takes longer to digest and you will burn more calories digesting it than you would burn if you were just eating plain carbs. Likewise, you will stay fuller for longer and snack less between meals.
6- Olive Oil
Like coconut oil, olive oil is another healthy oil that you should be using in your diet. It decreases inflammation that is associated with storing fat, in a way that is quite similar to ibuprofen. To get this fat burning oil to work in your favor though, you have to use unrefined extra virgin olive oil. This is the polyphenol that creates the anti-inflammatory enzymes that makes olive oil so effective.
7- Chia Seeds
Back in the day (hundreds of years ago), the Mayans and Aztecs used chia seeds as energy boosters. Today we’ve seen these tiny seeds make a big comeback in the weight loss arena because they are packed with fiber, omega 3s, and some powerful nutrients. They help you to feel more satisfied after meals, and unlike flax seeds, they can actually be absorbed into the body.
8- Dark Chocolate
The chemicals in chocolate, also known as flavonoids, are popular for helping to lower stress hormones and regulate metabolism. Lower stress levels mean that your body can refocus on burning calories instead of trying to deal with stress. But remember that we’re talking about DARK chocolate, and 1.5 oz per day should be enough so don’t get crazy with it.
9- Green Tea
Oriental teas have been proven to boost metabolism. They do this by preventing new fat cells from being created and increasing the speed at which cells release fat. The antioxidant that is responsible for this awesome benefit is ECGC, which is a compound that burns fat. If you choose to add green tea to your weight loss toolkit, you’ll get even more results if you pair it with a great work out.
10- Whole Grains
Only if you eat carbs though. If you don’t eat carbs, you should be making great progress on your weight loss goals. If you do eat carbs, avoid sugary, refined carbs and go for whole grains and general whole foods.
Some good options are oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice and whole wheat. These fat-burning foods are higher in protein and fiber and they do a much better job of keeping you full than the refined stuff that will raise your blood sugar.
I’m serious. Leave refined carbs alone.
11- Cayenne Pepper
This spicy food is a great fat burner. A study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that eating cayenne pepper daily can suppress your appetite. It also increases your body’s ability to convert food into energy.
12- Avocado
People who eat a lot of avocados are more likely to have lower body weight and waist circumference. This is because avocados contain phytochemicals, monosaturated fats, dietary fiber, and potassium. Adding more avocado to your diet may increase your satiety and help you to slim down faster than a high-carb diet would. But adding too much is never a good idea. At the end of the day, it’s still a fat. A good rule of thumb is that the more fat you have on your plate, the lesser the carbs that should be present. Having a lot of both would result in overeating.
Now you have a general idea of the best fat burning foods for weight loss. However, while you are on your weight loss quest, here are some foods that you should be wary of:
- Alcohol
- Refined foods
- Too many fruits
- Sugar
I hope this list helped you to get more ideas for your next shopping trip. You can also check out a list of 101 no carb foods that you can eat to lose weight without going hungry.
Leave a comment if you have any questions or fat burning foods that you think should be on the list.